Thursday, 13 December 2018

Grouse "Butter Chicken"

Grouse "Butter Chicken" is one of my favourite camp meals.   It is easy, the ingredients travel well, and it is a great way to lift the spirits when people are getting discouraged. 

Every time I have gone after grouse, it has been as a side hunt while moose or elk hunting.  Hunting any quarry can become discouraging, especially when you have taken time off work, lucked out with an LEH draw, but can't seem to find sign or the promise of eventual success.  Taking a break with some grouse hunting is instantly rewarding and seems to reset ones enthusiasm.

Everyone goes after grouse in their own way, and to purists, my method may seem unorthodox.  I hunt with a .22LR, specifically, a Ruger 10/22.  I only go for head shots, whether they are on the ground or in the tree.  I've heard that some people believe it is unsporting to shoot grouse which are not flying, but these purists are using shotguns with bird shot.  I prefer to get the grouse where I see them on the ground, before they flush, or if they do take flight, I follow their trajectory into the trees and try to find them again when they are sitting on a branch.

With a little practice, I would say I am 75% successful in finding grouse again once they have flushed and flown into the forest.  They usually only fly a short way, land about half way up the tree, and if you look up and down the trunks, you can usually find them sitting still, trying to be invisible, near the trunk of the tree.  This method works for me and I have come close to limiting out on several occasions in a couple of hours. 

The other nice thing about grouse "butter chicken" or any other curry dish is that it has a way of masking any of the gamy flavours from older grouse, or grouse some people dislike such as Spruce Grouse.  No question, I prefer Ruffed Grouse, as milder and tastier, but it is equally enjoyable to pursue all types of grouse, and this is a good recipe that makes them all work well.


4 to 10 grouse
1 can of curry, butter chicken, korma, whatever Indian sauce
1 can of coconut milk
Oil or margarine 
1 Onion
Garlic (optional)
Rice or Potatoes

 1) Cube the grouse breasts into 1" cubes.  Make sure they are clean and all approximately the same size cubes.  Notice the colour of the above photo.  The dark coloured meat is from Spruce Grouse and the lighter coloured meat is from Ruffed Grouse.

 2)  On high heat and with a few tablespoons of oil, saute the diced onion until translucent and starting to brown.  Add garlic to taste if available. 

 3) Add the cubed grouse and brown.

4) Add the curry/butter chicken/korma sauce and coconut milk.  Simmer for 10-15 minutes or until thoroughly cooked.

5) Serve over rice or potatoes.

One of the cool things about this dish is that you get to taste many different grouse.  Each bite is different.  A few friends have remarked that it has changed their opinion of Spruce Grouse and their flavour when served like this.  You'll notice the difference between species, but it will be interesting rather than overwhelming. 


Monday, 10 December 2018

Commemorating a Hunt: Antler Mounts

Every hunt that I have been on has a story.  I come back with many great memories and valuable lessons about nature, animals, and myself. 

The real trophy is always the experience of the hunt itself.  Any meat that I come back with is fantastic bonus. 

I like to commemorate the animals which I have hunted with a mount so that every time I look at their unique antlers I can reminisce about the experience and meals.  These antlers hold a place of honour in my home and give me a great appreciation of the importance of these animals and conservation of their habitat.

Here is how I like to commemorate my antlers.
 Once I get home from the hunt I usually have either the whole head or the skull cap.

I use a bone saw to cut the cap off from behind the ears, down to the eye sockets, and from the bridge of the nose to the eye sockets.  It is best to cut it level so that it is easy to mount at this stage.

As a side note, I have used fiber glass to reassemble a skull which was broken when I had to use a second shot to make sure my moose stayed down.

 Next, I boil the skull cap until the flesh peels off easily,  usually about an hour or two.  I do this outside on the BBQ to make sure the smell is minimized.

 Then I pick off the flesh with a knife and screw driver and then let the skull dry out. I apply 2 coats of semigloss varnish to the antlers to preserve the colour. Once I am sure the skull is cut at the right angle and it is sitting nicely against the wall, I trace and cut out a 1/2 inch backing board out of plywood and screw the skull cap to it.  This allows the skull cap to be upholstered.

I buy a hobby board from Michael's or Amazon and then stain it to the colour I like.

 I use glossy varnish to protect the plaque.

 I use upholdery foam and cut an oversize block. 

I use a stapler to start upholstering the skull cap as shown in the photos.

Cut the foam around the antlers

 Pull tightly and upholster the whole skull cap.

 Cut off the excess.

 Pick fabric and decorative rope.  I usually go to Fabricland.

 Upholster the antlers with the fabric.

 I use zip ties to gather the fabric around the antlers and then cut off the excess.

 I hide the seam on the side using decorative rope.  I try to make the seam end up where you naturally won't see it very much on the sides.

I use a glue gun to attach the rope and hide the seam and zip ties.

The last step is to screw the antlers to the board and hang it in your house.

Sunday, 4 November 2018

The Guardian: Five countries hold 70% of world's last wildernesses, map reveals

Saturday, 3 November 2018

2018 Elk Preview

I started working towards this success over two years ago.  The first taste of my first elk was delicious! Elk is every bit as good as I had heard.

Chasing Food, Woodland Caribou By Jenny Ly

Check out this fantastic story about a fly in caribou hunt by Jenny Ly of Chasing Food Club! Captivating and well written. Well done Jenny!

Friday, 2 November 2018

The Guardian: Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds

Vancouver Hunter: All scientific sources are in agreement.  Habitat loss is the biggest threat facing animals.  As a hunter and conservationist, I feel strongly that we need to act to protect and restore habitat so that we can have strong natural biodiversity for generations to come.  It's our responsibility to advocate for the habitat and animals we care so much about because no one else is. No one else cares as much as us about what happens deep in the wild, far away from the easily accessible, eco-tourist friendly, provincial and national parks.  No one else ventures as deeply into the wilderness, spends as much time, or has as deep a connection to wild animals as we do.  Without habitat we will lose more animals.  Without animals we will lose hunters.  Without hunters we will lose advocates for wildlife and habitat.  Without advocates we will lose more habitat.  We need to reverse this cycle of decline.

Humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970, report finds

The huge loss is a tragedy in itself but also threatens the survival of civilisation, say the world’s leading scientists
Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970, leading the world’s foremost experts to warn that the annihilation of wildlife is now an emergency that threatens civilisation.

The new estimate of the massacre of wildlife is made in a major report produced by WWF and involving 59 scientists from across the globe. It finds that the vast and growing consumption of food and resources by the global population is destroying the web of life, billions of years in the making, upon which human society ultimately depends for clean air, water and everything else.

“We are sleepwalking towards the edge of a cliff” said Mike Barrett, executive director of science and conservation at WWF. “If there was a 60% decline in the human population, that would be equivalent to emptying North America, South America, Africa, Europe, China and Oceania. That is the scale of what we have done.”

“This is far more than just being about losing the wonders of nature, desperately sad though that is,” he said. “This is actually now jeopardising the future of people. Nature is not a ‘nice to have’ – it is our life-support system.”

 “We are rapidly running out of time,” said Prof Johan Rockström, a global sustainability expert at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “Only by addressing both ecosystems and climate do we stand a chance of safeguarding a stable planet for humanity’s future on Earth.”

Many scientists believe the world has begun a sixth mass extinction, the first to be caused by a species – Homo sapiens. Other recent analyses have revealed that humankind has destroyed 83% of all mammals and half of plants since the dawn of civilisation and that, even if the destruction were to end now, it would take 5-7 million years for the natural world to recover.

The Living Planet Index, produced for WWF by the Zoological Society of London, uses data on 16,704 populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians, representing more than 4,000 species, to track the decline of wildlife. Between 1970 and 2014, the latest data available, populations fell by an average of 60%. Four years ago, the decline was 52%. The “shocking truth”, said Barrett, is that the wildlife crash is continuing unabated.

Wildlife and the ecosystems are vital to human life, said Prof Bob Watson, one of the world’s most eminent environmental scientists and currently chair of an intergovernmental panel on biodiversity that said in March that the destruction of nature is as dangerous as climate change.

“Nature contributes to human wellbeing culturally and spiritually, as well as through the critical production of food, clean water, and energy, and through regulating the Earth’s climate, pollution, pollination and floods,” he said. “The Living Planet report clearly demonstrates that human activities are destroying nature at an unacceptable rate, threatening the wellbeing of current and future generations.”

The biggest cause of wildlife losses is the destruction of natural habitats, much of it to create farmland. Three-quarters of all land on Earth is now significantly affected by human activities. Killing for food is the next biggest cause – 300 mammal species are being eaten into extinction – while the oceans are massively overfished, with more than half now being industrially fished.

 Chemical pollution is also significant: half the world’s killer whale populations are now doomed to die from PCB contamination. Global trade introduces invasive species and disease, with amphibians decimated by a fungal disease thought to be spread by the pet trade.

The worst affected region is South and Central America, which has seen an 89% drop in vertebrate populations, largely driven by the felling of vast areas of wildlife-rich forest. In the tropical savannah called cerrado, an area the size of Greater London is cleared every two months, said Barrett.

“It is a classic example of where the disappearance is the result of our own consumption, because the deforestation is being driven by ever expanding agriculture producing soy, which is being exported to countries including the UK to feed pigs and chickens,” he said. The UK itself has lost much of its wildlife, ranking 189th for biodiversity loss out of 218 nations in 2016.

The habitats suffering the greatest damage are rivers and lakes, where wildlife populations have fallen 83%, due to the enormous thirst of agriculture and the large number of dams. “Again there is this direct link between the food system and the depletion of wildlife,” said Barrett. Eating less meat is an essential part of reversing losses, he said.

The Living Planet Index has been criticised as being too broad a measure of wildlife losses and smoothing over crucial details. But all indicators, from extinction rates to intactness of ecosystems, show colossal losses. “They all tell you the same story,” said Barrett.

Conservation efforts can work, with tiger numbers having risen 20% in India in six years as habitat is protected. Giant pandas in China and otters in the UK have also been doing well.

But Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF International, said the fundamental issue was consumption: “We can no longer ignore the impact of current unsustainable production models and wasteful lifestyles.”

The world’s nations are working towards a crunch meeting of the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity in 2020, when new commitments for the protection of nature will be made. “We need a new global deal for nature and people and we have this narrow window of less than two years to get it,” said Barrett. “This really is the last chance. We have to get it right this time.”

Tanya Steele, chief executive at WWF, said: “We are the first generation to know we are destroying our planet and the last one that can do anything about it.”