Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Letter to the Premier and Response

Alexander Johnson
XXX XXX Street
New Westminster, BC

Dear Premier Horgan,

RE: Great First Steps on Habitat and Wildlife in BC

In the last year the provincial government has made some fantastic steps in the right direction when it comes to habitat and wildlife.  I want to say thank you and say that I hope your government will keep up the momentum on issues related to habitat and wildlife issues in BC.  We still lag behind many of our neighbours in funding and concrete plans for the recovery of the habitat, rivers, and streams that our wildlife and fish need to thrive. 

Specifically, I would like to thank you for the $14 million in increased funding for conservation, the $27 million allocated for caribou recovery, and the provincial round table which is looking at the declines in moose populations. 

Now is time to build on those steps and make even more significant improvements which will protect habitat and restore wildlife populations.  Specifically, I would like to advocate for the following:
1)     Ending the professional reliance model where resource companies can hire their own experts to evaluate the impact of their own projects.  This is an obvious conflict of interest.  Provincial registered profession biologists should be given the power to oversee and minimize the impact of the resource sector on habitat.
2)     Dedicated funding for habitat conservation from a slight increase in price of fishing and hunting licences as well as resource extraction royalties to offset impacts and enhance habitat.  Please give the scientists and wildlife managers the funding needed to ensure habitat and wildlife populations recover and thrive.
3)     Enhanced investigative and enforcement powers for conservation officers and registered professional biologists to investigate instances when property owners or resource industry activities violate laws or practice standards.  There are numerous cases of property owners violating protective covenants in the Fraser valley, damaging critical chinook salmon bearing creeks, while municipalities have looked the other way.

As a hunter, angler, conservationist, and British Columbian these issues are of critical importance to me as well as my friends and family. 

Alex Johnson 

to ENV, me
Dear Mr. Johnson:

Thank you for writing about conversation in British Columbia. We appreciate your taking the time to write and have noted your recommendations.

On your behalf, we have shared a copy of your message with the Honourable George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. His staff will ensure that your comments are included in any upcoming, related discussions.

Thank you, again, for writing. We wish you all the best.

pc:       Honourable George Heyman

OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX

10:40 (1 hour ago)


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